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Part 2: The Truth About the AZGOP Chairman

Yesterday, AZ Republican Press sent out an email with a Part 2 on the truth about the AZGOP Chairman Jeff Dewit. See their email below:

Part 2: The Truth About the AZGOP Chairman:

Many Republicans do not know why a petition to remove AZGOP Chairman Jeff DeWit is being circulated at Our earlier email explained many of these. This is Part 2.

Please review the Below Facts:

Dewit Secretly and Appoints CD4 MAL to Elected Position

Several months ago, AZGOP CD4 Member at Large Kelly Cooper resigned from his elected position. DeWit did not call for an election or even inform the AZGOP Executive Committee. The vacant position was strangely absent from any agenda or discussion of the annual meeting. Instead, he secretly appointed Diane Ortiz Parsons because she “had the next highest number of votes”. Elected, voting members like MALs cannot be appointed in this way and and election should have been announced for the January meeting. ONLY AFTER being caught red-handed and exposed by multiple District Chairs was an announcement finally made that the position was vacant and an election would be held.

Censured by Multiple Legislative Districts and His Resignation Demanded:

Dewit Sends Letter to Judge Filled With Lies Begging Judge to Hear Case of one Volunteer Suing Another

Collusion with Maricopa Board of Supervisors to Delay PC Appointments for over 180 PCs for Months

Jeff Dewit contacted Maricopa County Board of Supervisors asking them to delay approving over 180 PC appointments. His name was invoked several times in support of delay, and then Jeff appeared at the next MCBOS meeting and spoke in favor of a new policy and form which violates statute and results in more government interference into private party matters. At that meeting the PC Appointments were REJECTED.

MCRC Wins Czarny Court Case Despite Her False Claims to the Contrary

The Honorable Judge Frank W. Moskowitz ruled in case CV 2023-004799 that “It does not preclude political parties from holding other LD meetings and elections of officers, which may be necessary due to election contests, vacancies, or removals.” and “Here, the March election did not violate § 16-823.” and “IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED denying Plaintiff’s (Candace Czarny’s) claim for injunctive relief.”

– Part 3 Coming Soon

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